Sunday, March 18, 2007

changing relationships

During worship today Charles talked about an old friend of his from High School. Someone who had been a close friend..but things had gradually changed, as they often do, until we completely lose touch with them...lose the relationship entirely. He went on to talk about how Jesus is the one friend we don't have to worry about losing. He never forgets us, never moves on to "bigger and better things". He is the constant. That permanance really hit me today.
Maybe because I am at a time in my life when so many relationships are changing. My relationship with my parents (the realization of their aging, the differences in how my brother,sister, and I worry about them), my relationship with my children - as they graduate from college and high school and leave home (in Michelle's case leave the country - again!) , my relationship with my husband as we prepare to celebrate our 25 th anniversary and return to the "2 of us" at home, even changes with relationships at work as those I have trained and supervised and mentored now begin to move into positions as my peer and I begin to take on new responsibilities that are different from theirs. Subtle changes in dynamics that occur in these relationshipsand have to be prepared for and considered.
Don't get me wrong - I don't find any of these changes bad or frightening - in many ways I've been looking forward to them.. I am just very aware of the way they are changing. But I admit - the idea of one relationship that will always be there, that can always be counted on, and is always accessible - is very reassuring right now.

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