Sunday, May 20, 2007

Vision Screening

I don't have very good vision...literally. Without my glasses I walk into doorframes, counters, people,etc. I'm constantly adjusting my glasses - especially since I went to bi-focals. It's amazing how hard it can be to find the right spot to look through.

Anyway, I am also not very visually observant - I would be hard pressed to describe people I have known for years to anyone...even my own family. But today I had a chance to sit back and see my son the way others do. And I'm sorry to say that I've missed a lot. Yes, I knew he was smart, and talented, and so on...every mom knows that. But today I just watched him - as he spoke before about 200 people at his church about being an "ear" in the body of Christ. And I watched him as he played hig guitar and sang to the lord. And I listened to those who have gotten to know him at his church talk about how talented he is and how glad they are that he is there.

Sometimes I think I am too close ro my family - my son -to really see them. Too close to see beyond my expectations to who and what he is becoming. I'm used to being a "voice" in the body - singing, teaching, etc. Today I had to experience being an eye - and an ear. It was different - and not all together comfortable.

Monday, May 07, 2007

25 years and loving it!

Today is our 25th wedding anniversary. I can not believe that 25 years have gone by so fast. I am looking forward to what the next 25 hold for us. To Ron - who through the years has helped me to obtain everyting I've wished for. I hope everyone finds love like ours.