Monday, April 30, 2007

Get out of the Boat!

This weekend while looking for stuff to use in children's worship for the story of Jesus walking on water, I came across a book titled "If you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat". I have found myself considering the thought that title conveys quite a bit over the last couple of days. I've also thought a lot about Peter in (and out) of the boat.
We all have dreams of the great things we will do with our lives. But somewhere between the dream and the action we allow fear to stop us and keep us within the confines of our comfort zones. Fear of failure, fear of what others will say, fear of not being as good at it as someone else, fear of the unknown, fear in general.
Like the other disciples in the boat - I can see Jesus - I want to go to him - but I can't overcome my fear enough to take that first step. Can you imagine what the other disciples felt (and said) as they saw Peter put his leg over the side of the boat? I can hear them so easily. "What are you doing? You'll kill yourself! Stop, you're going to tip us over! Stop making us look bad! Why do you always have to try so hard. Look at Peter, grandstanding again!"
It's so easy to be afraid. And like Peter - it's so easy to get distracted and let my fear get the better of me.
Sometimes my fears even result in my trying to stop someone else from stepping out of the boat. The first year Michelle went to Africa, I really struggled with it. I was so afraid of what MIGHT happen to her...and it was a daily struggle to get through. I had to keep reminding myself that I had promised God when she was very small that her life was his to use - not mine to direct.
Sometimes we just need to put "common sense" behind us, quit worrying about getting wet, and sling that leg over the side of the boat. Who knows - the water might feel pretty good.


MSS said...

Interestingly enough the sermon at Downtown on Sunday was on that same topic.

P.S. You want to move to Africa with me and fight for the rights of children....Dad can dig wells or'd be totally sweet.

renee said...

I don't think my boat is sailing on the same ocean as yours!

MSS said...

One trip and you'd be hooked.

Paul Murphy said...

To the blog: Ole ole ole ole, ole'''' ole.

To Michelle: Your mother already helps people in need and fights for the rights of others.

MSS said... that what she's been doing all these years? I never knew. Thank you so much for enlightening me, Paul.