Monday, October 23, 2006

love what you do

Why do people go to jobs that they obviously do not like day after day? I've never understood why anyone would do that. At work today I was struck by how much I love what I do...and how the reverse is true for some people. My work isn't glamourous....I'll never get rich from it...and many people wouldn't want to do what I do...but I love it. IN fact, other than my first job as a telephone solicitor (which lasted about a month) I have enjoyed every job I've had.

Finding something you love - someplace where you can make a difference in the lives of those you work with or for, .in the world around you - and doing it is what makes me want to get out of bed (and out of the house) every day. We are here for a purpose and I believe that when we are engaged in fulfilling that purpose we will enjoy life and work.

Why do so many people stay in jobs they hate? Is it fear? Laziness? Ignorance?


MSS said...

Is this in response to my post from yesterday? Or am I just being self-centered again?

renee said...

This wasn't in response to you...for a change. I had just spent part of the day listening to people who had nothing good to say about their work or the people they work with. I can't imagine spending 8 or more hours a day doing work I hate.